This morning, Zoe, Zia and I walked (and ran a bit) downtown to hike along the Wingwatchers Trail that traverses part of the west side of Lake Euwana.
We saw many birds, including both Clark's and

We also saw ten western pond turtles, sunning themselves on various logs in three different ponds. The girls were very excited to get to the "turtle pond" and kept asking me, "Is this the turtle pond? What about this one?"

The weather was nice, warmish with a little breeze, and a good walk was had by all.
Sheesh! I just try to fix a spelling error and it puts a whole "This post has been deleted" thing in... What I tried to say was:
Wow. That sounds really cool. Are you still having a party for your anniversary? (Or did I just make that up?)
Hope to see you soon one way or another.
P.S. Oh yeah... the first time I got an easy word verification... something like WOAMP... But now it hates me. To post this, I have to type qhakhdlf... I wonder if it would accept quackdaffodil?
We don't know what we are doing for our anniversary. A party sounds great, but also a lot of work....we will have to decide soon, though.
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