Friday, February 08, 2008

Winter Pictures

Hi all,

I thought that I would quickly post some pictures of all the snow and
ice that we have been having. Yesterday it warmed up and turned much of
the snow to slush: driving was a challenge, to say the least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool. You even have those pointy ice things hanging from your roof.

We got the most snow and cold that Hood River has seen in a long time recently. But it is all gone now.

We had 16" (measured, not guessed) fall in one night a week+ ago. It was great fluffy stuff too. Kai and I had a ball making a sled run out of our driveway. The best part was that it was firm enough that we could go really fast, but then crash safely into the unpacked stuff at the bottom instead of going flying off into the stream.

Hopefully this will fill the resevoirs, eh?
