Yesterday Monte and I went out to shoe horses. It went really well. We
did resets on two horses --I pulled all the shoes-- then new shoes for
a third and a trim for the fourth. I cleaned up everything, though the
fourth horse was quite annoying as it kept taking its feet off the
stand. That is the most shoeing that I have done yet, and I really felt
pretty good. I was getting a little frustrated by the end, but if we
had had another horse to do, I feel like I could have done it.
As for the rest of the day, we had lunch late (because of the school's
schedule), but that worked out fine because Zia slept for three hours
in the morning (she is sleeping now, and has been for an hour and a
half). It worried me that I was going to be alone with both girls after
Amy went back to school, but so far (knock on wood) everything has been
going well. I think that it helps that we have worked out a schedule
for the mornings:
Amy wakes Zia (if necessary) just before seven and feeds her;
We say good by, then play either on the floor or in a chair, or in the
exersaucer until Zoe gets up;
Zoe and Zia and I play or I get a few chores done;
Zoe has breakfast;
Zia has a bath in the sink;
We sit on the couch and read a story --this morning it was "A Stick A
Stone and A Bone" by Sandy Bacon Harding (thanks Nana)-- until Zia gets
sleepy (and/or cranky) then she has a nap.
After lunch yesterday, we went to the playground and Zoe swung, then
played a bit on the equipment, then ran around in the grass until she
was dizzy...then she ran around some more.
Zia's awake, so as soon as Zoe's video is over, we will go run some
errands, then meet up with Amy for lunch
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