Friday, September 08, 2006

Yesterday was the first Cross Country meet of the year for Mazama
(actually, all the teams in the Basin, I think). The kids look pretty
good, though I can't imagine that we are going to do really well in
this new conference. Zoe came with me, while Zia stayed home with Amy.
I think that Zoe had a good time, I know that I did, though it is hard
not knowing the kids names, and I feel bad yelling out "Go Mazama"
instead of giving specific instructions to specific kids. I will learn
their names, it will just take some time.

I'm trying to think of what else we did yesterday. We ran some errands
out to the Credit Union to cash some checks, then we took the scenic
route home because the intersection at Washburn and S. 6th is closed
for six weeks. It is a lot farther than you would think to drive from
the CU to the Southside Bypass back to downtown via Greensprings. I
keep being a little skeptical about the whole intersection being
closed: can it really all be closed? We haven't driven to it to see,
but I suspect that it is, which makes getting to Bi-Mart very difficult
(there are no roads to Washburn from the west south of S. 6th St. So,
we have to drive down Altamont. Anyway, this talk of construction is
getting boring.

This morning, Zoe got up at 6:30 and said that she didn't want to go
back to bed. That was fine, but usually she gets up between 8:30 and
9:00 and so we spent an extra two hours together this morning. It all
went well, though I began to tire at the library. Everyone was really
good, but by the time we left, Zia was getting tired and we had about
forty pounds of books (it's hard to say no to a kid when she picks out
her own book). Story Time was good and the craft today was tie-dyed
shirts. The library had shirts leftover from last year so we spread
them out on a table, placed random pieces of tissue paper on them, then
soaked the tissue paper. When it was all good and wet, we rolled the
shirt up and gave it a good twist. The shirt looks pretty good, though
not as good as it would have if we had done actual tie-dye. Of course,
this was way less messy.

Lunch with Amy again, then we drove out to Western Tool Supply to see
about a new pair of nail nippers for horseshoeing: They had a pair!
Papa will be so surprised. And, bonus, we won't pinch our hands in the
handles every tenth nail!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Yesterday Monte and I went out to shoe horses. It went really well. We
did resets on two horses --I pulled all the shoes-- then new shoes for
a third and a trim for the fourth. I cleaned up everything, though the
fourth horse was quite annoying as it kept taking its feet off the
stand. That is the most shoeing that I have done yet, and I really felt
pretty good. I was getting a little frustrated by the end, but if we
had had another horse to do, I feel like I could have done it.

As for the rest of the day, we had lunch late (because of the school's
schedule), but that worked out fine because Zia slept for three hours
in the morning (she is sleeping now, and has been for an hour and a
half). It worried me that I was going to be alone with both girls after
Amy went back to school, but so far (knock on wood) everything has been
going well. I think that it helps that we have worked out a schedule
for the mornings:

Amy wakes Zia (if necessary) just before seven and feeds her;
We say good by, then play either on the floor or in a chair, or in the
exersaucer until Zoe gets up;
Zoe and Zia and I play or I get a few chores done;
Zoe has breakfast;
Zia has a bath in the sink;
We sit on the couch and read a story --this morning it was "A Stick A
Stone and A Bone" by Sandy Bacon Harding (thanks Nana)-- until Zia gets
sleepy (and/or cranky) then she has a nap.

After lunch yesterday, we went to the playground and Zoe swung, then
played a bit on the equipment, then ran around in the grass until she
was dizzy...then she ran around some more.

Zia's awake, so as soon as Zoe's video is over, we will go run some
errands, then meet up with Amy for lunch

It's Like Baby Chess

Zia contemplates her next move

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Second day back

Amy had a pretty good day, I think, with only the 7th graders to ease
everyone back into the swing of things.

Zoe, Zia, and I had a good day as well. Zia took as nice long nap in
the morning (as she is doing now). Zoe and I watched some videos, read
some books, and did some chores around the house. Just before lunch we
went down to the Used Bread Store to get some bread for sandwiches.
Well, we parked in front of the store on the street (usually we park in
the lot but it was busy). I turned around to unbuckle Zoe and BAM! the
pickup in front of us backed into us. We were a little shaken, but
overall fine. No one was hurt, not even the car.

After lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at Ponderosa with
Amy, the three of us drove out to Dick Howard's to get some tasty
potato sausages (we ate them for dinner with grilled zucchini and oven
fried sweet potatoes). Then to Sherm's to do some grocery shopping.
That all went well, but the girls were getting tired so we loaded up
and headed home.

Zoe lay down for her rest (she rarely sleeps at nap-time anymore). Zia
struggled a little more trying to stay awake, as she usually does (this
morning, however, she was so tired by 8:50AM, that I simply swaddled
her, then lay her in her crib). She woke up three more times before
finally getting some sound sleep. Of course that didn't last too long
because we had to go get her fed. I dropped her and the car off with
Amy, then Zoe and I rode out to Cross Country with Randy. It was the
first time that I have been out when most of the kids were there (about
20 yesterday).

I am looking forward to XC, but I won't be as involved this year
because of our new little Zia and also, I am taking time to learn
horseshoeing from Amy's dad. He has worked on horses for almost 30
years. I wouldn't say that it is fun, but it is rewarding to get dirty
and use my muscles. We are scheduled to do two shoeings and two trims
this afternoon.

After practice we had our dinner, then put the girls to bed. For our
evening's entertainment, we watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer --we have
it on loan from the library. It's not high literature, but is surely is

Some Summertime Pictures

Camping at Harris Beach State Park

Oma and the Girls

Camping with Ryan, Michelle, Kennedy, and Paisley at Cascara State Park on Fall Creek Reservoir

Zoe and Zia

Zoe and Mimi at the Klamath County Fair

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First day of school

Today is the first day of school with kids for Amy. Zoe and I are
downstairs watching a video and Zia is having a nice long morning nap
(more than an hour so far). I racked the beer (it will be ready in a
couple of days, if anyone is interested) and watered the outside
plants, which have done really well this year: we picked up a canna
lilly in Salem last Spring and it has grown and even flowered! We tried
once before to raise a canna and it really did not work.

Not too much other news. I will try to put up some pictures soon,
though no guarantees.

Take care everyone.