Well, things are going well for us here. Zoe and I have been watching birds at least once a day for the past week and are looking forward to going upstairs, sitting on the futon couch and seeing who is in the backyard this morning. One bird of note that we have seen twice is what we believe to be a male house finch mutant that has white where it should have red or orange. I will take up the camera today (if I can remember) to see if I can get a picture of it

At the right, Zoe is giving Maria a nap. The picture above, by the way, is Zoe with her new tool set. It stays in the shop, and here is why: One day, Amy, Zoe, and I were talking about what you do with tools that she has in her tool box. We told her to ask before she hits anything with the hammer. So, her first question of things that she could hit was "Can I hit the wall?" "No," was our reply. Then she thought for a moment and asked, "Can I hit the windows?" It was at that point that we decided that the new tools, which are real tools scaled down to a kids size, would stay in the shop. She likes to use them when she comes in to help me out as I am working on whatever it is that I am working on.

Speaking of that, Currently, I took two days off, and now plan to return to work. I just finished a case for a client (the picture at the bottom). She will use it for heirloom jewelry. It turned out pretty well, and I finished it blazingly fast for me: I got the order at the Holiday Bazaar, and delivered it on the 10th of January. Plus, during most of December, I was working on the benches for Randy and Sandy. So, there you go.
On another, note, I am reading
The History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage (can you guess what they are?) So far, it has been pretty good, though not brilliant. I feel like it is something that I could write, on a subject that I could write on. And speaking of writing on beer (glass number one) it is just about time for us to brew our first batch in quite a long time (no drinking because of pregnancy, of course). If there are any requests for summer brews, let me know.
I request a medium-bodied, well-aged lager with lots of hoppy goodness. In a couple of months I will request a dark amber with Northern Brewer; I want it to be fresher when I am able to drink it.
your wife
Mimi needs a copy of the "toolman" picture!
Nice cabinet! And my request, would be a lager or that orange/pepper ale you made a long time ago.
Hello to Jeff, Amy and Zoe,
Had not checked for your latest here, but did today. That January 12th caught my eye for tht is my birthday. Always glad to read about your doings. I am just making one comment for the three that I just read. Would like to have one of those sticky buns for breakfat today. All is going well here in Arizona, be home early next week.
Loe to you all.
Grandpa Bill
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