Well, winter is upon us: this morning as we arose and Amy started to get dressed, she exclaimed: "It snowed last night!" I stared out the window, shocked and excited. I think that I love winter, but fall is my favorite season because of the anticipation of winter (the fall colors are nice, too). Not too long now and we can go skiing. We have to find (or make) a pair of skis for Zoe, and build our
pulk (a sled that she can sit on and that I can pull behind while I ski). It used to be downhill skiing, but now we are cross country skiers all the way. In the old days (specifically the high school days) I would get out my skis try them on in the living room on the carpet, then tune them up and have them ready to go by the end of September. These days I eagerly await the first storm up on the pass. We don't need a lot of snow before we can get out and enjoy the cold: it only takes six inches and we can go all day)

On other fronts, running is going well. Yesterday, Zoe and I ran down to Shasta and back, about four and a half miles. Today we are running out to Mimi and Papa's. Zoe will stay with Papa and then I will run home, stopping off at KU for a few pick-ups on the track.

Writing is going well. 4000 words in two days is quite a lot and a bit of a shock to the system. Amy and I were talking after our writing session that in some ways it would be better if it were National Novel Writing Two Months. Writing would become more of a habit and less of a mad dash once a year. A thousand words a day seems much more manageable. I suppose that if I can just take a couple of days off after November is over, and then set a goal of writing or re-writing then I could do it, just like running. We'll see.
1 comment:
See you on Monday!
Love, Vanessa
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