Then yesterday's blog didn't want to upload right, and that made me cranky. Then Zoe didn't want to eat her oatmeal. I left her to it, and when I came back after five minutes she had eaten half a bite (the other half was smeared on the table). I couldn't get into the truck with her and drive to Medford if she hadn't eaten anything! I almost lost it at that time, but then thought, "Hey, maybe she wants some toast". She did! So, toast it was.

We had lunch at Rooster's, which, as Zoe will tell you, is decorated with many roosters. The food was pretty good, especially the cinnamon roll. When we go there next, we will be sure to have cinnamon rolls, again.
After lunch Zoe and I drove to Ashland to pick up the vegetables. Vince was a little late in getting back, but not too late. We loaded up (I was careful about my shoulder, which is doing quite well, by-the-way), then headed back over the hill. The drive home went quickly, and Zoe, even though she reassured me many times that she was "not tired" fell asleep not long after we got to the summit on Dead Indian Rd. ("Not tired. Not tired," she said. "Can you think happy thoughts?" I said. "Not tired, not tired," she assured me. "What about sand?" "...At the beach...zzzzzzzzz.")

The rest of the meet went pretty well, though one school, who shall remain nameless, couldn't seem to get their scoring envelopes to me, so that delayed the whole process. And even though outside showers were provided there was still much mud in the hallways and the locker rooms. I don't know what the solution might be to mud everywhere except to close off the locker rooms altogether.
Finally I made it back to the Hill House for dinner of hamburgers, pickled beets, and potato chips. Travis is leaving for SOU on Thursday, and since he has to work his final day at Walmart today, we had dinner with him. Good luck Travis!
We made it home and put Zoe to bed, then watched a bit of the Lord of the Rings before falling asleep ourselves.
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I want to see how the comments work, so I am making one. I love you guys!
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