Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fwd: Re: Please Forward!!!!!

Hi all,

Are you tired of getting messages like this that contain no facts? Me
too. Here is a link to a column by George Will, one of the most
conservative and level headed syndicated columnists in the country.

The column starts with a comparison between John McCain and the Queen
of Hearts from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".

I found it very interesting.

I cam upon this column through The Savvy, The Extreme & The Idealist

Happy Trails.


P.S. Send this to all of your friends and your wildest wishes will come true.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

First day of School

Well, Zoe is off to her her first day of school.

We got her all dressed, Zia all dressed, everyone's hair in a quail-tail, packed up the school supplies, took the checkbook to pay for hot lunch, then walked over to Roosevelt Elementary.

All the kids were lining up outside. Mrs. Williams's class stood closest to the entry gate. We got Zoe squared away.

She marched off with her classmates and Zia and I came home. I didn't know whether I would cry or throw-up all the way home (luckily, there was not throwing-up).

I'm so proud.
